Wednesday, February 23, 2011


어느 바닷가에 모래사람군(남)이 살고 있었습니다.

여느때처럼 모래사장을 배회하다가 빈 병을 하나 발견하게 됩니다.

그 병 속에는 눈(snow)이 조금 들어 있었습니다. 

쏟아져서 녹아버린 눈을 잠시 바라보던 모래사람군은

병 속에 모래를 담아서 바닷가에 떠내려 보냅니다.

추운 북쪽 동네 바닷가에 사는 눈사람양(여)이 해변에서 병을 발견합니다.

그리고 병 속에 담긴 모래를 쏟아내어 물끄러미 바라봅니다.

그리고는 자신이 사는 곳에 자라는 소나무 가지 하나를 잘라내어 병에 담아 보냅니다.

다시금 그 병을 받아든 모래사람군은

이번에는 해변에 버려져 있는 미역 한 줄기를 담아서 보냅니다.

그렇게 그들은 서로가 사는 곳에 있는 솔방울, 조개껍질, 나뭇가지, 버려진 머리핀, 장갑, 죽은 쥐(ㅡㅡ;), 꽃게 등을 주고받으면서

서로에 대해 조금씩 알아갑니다.

그러던 어느날

모래사람군이 편지를 써서 유리병에 담아

눈사람양에게 띄워 보냅니다.

그 편지속에서

모래사람군은 자신이 사는 해변가와 자신의 모습이 그려진 그림과 함께

서로 바다를 사이에 두고 멀리 떨어져 있어 만나지 못하니

바다속 한가운데로 와서 함께 만나자는 그림을 보냅니다.

이윽고, 바닷가로 다시 나선 눈사람양은

잠시 자기가 살던 곳을 뒤돌아 본 뒤

바닷속으로 걸어들어 갔습니다.

그리고 모래사람군 역시 바닷속으로 걸어들어 갔습니다.

하지만 바닷물에 몸이 젖은 모래사람군과 눈사람양은

미처 서로 만나지 못한 채

바닷물에 녹아서

사라져 버렸답니다.

Bottle from Kirsten Lepore on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Player 에 sRGB 적용하기

(이미지는 클릭하시면 커집니다)

VRay 를 사용하여 LWF로 랜더링을 할 경우 프레임버퍼에서 보이는 이미지와는 달리, 불러온 이미지가 어둡게 보이게 되는 경우가 있습니다.(그림1)
즉 적용된 감마값이 제대로 보여지지 않아서 어둡게 보이게 됩니다.


일반적으로는  sRGB노드를 추가하면 제대로 보여지지만(그림2) 노드 갯수가 많아지게 되면 이를 처리하기가 매우 힘이 듭니다.


Player 의 옵션 설정으로 해결해 봅니다.

우선 sRGB노드를 드래그 한 다음 Player 위로 가져옵니다. 아직 마우스를 클릭한 상태에서 버튼을 떼면 안됩니다. (그림3)


그 상태에서 다시 틸테키(~) 혹은 마우스 가운데버튼 클릭을 하여 Gate를 열고서 아래쪽 방향인 Player Options 로 마우스를 이동합니다. (그림4)


플레이어 옵션이 나오면 여기에 Display Pass Through 라는 탭이 있습니다. 그 탭 위로 해당 노드를 가져가서 드롭 합니다 (그림5)


탭의 이름이 그림 6과 같이 Display - sRGB로 변경이 됩니다.


이제 플레이어에서 별도의 sRGB노드 없이도 이미지가 제대로 밝게 보입니다. (그림7) 
원래대로 되돌리고 싶다면 플레이어 위에 마우스를 올린 상태에서 ~ 키를 눌러 게이트가 나타나면 그림6의 Display - sRGB탭에서 Delete를 클릭합니다.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Autodesk 3dsMax XBR webinar QNA

전체 Webinar는 녹화되어서 조만간 공개할 예정이라고 합니다. 스크린 샷 몇 장에 QnA내용 중 흥미로운 부분들 몇 가지 적어봅니다.

전체 QnA는 아래에 영문으로

Q: 모니터 여러대에서 다양한 뷰포트를 사용하는 게 고려되고 있나? 예를 들어 뷰포트 하나를 떼어서 다른 모니터로 옮긴다거나
A: 고려중이다

Q: VRay가 내장 랜더러로 통합될 가능성은?
A: 없다

Q: ICE가 맥스에 통합될 수는 없나?
A: 뭔가 궁리중

Q: GPU가속 기능은  Nvidia 파트너쉽 때문에 CUDA 만 지원되나?
A: 아니다. 일부 OpenCL 도 가능

Q: 새로운 뷰포트가 GPU 기반인가?
A: 맞다

Q: 넙스에 어떤 변화라도 있나?
A: 없다

Q: 내 생각에 NojeJoe Slate는 반쪽짜리다. Zookeeper 를 채용하거나 이와 비슷한 걸로 맥스를 더욱 노드기반으로 만들면?
A: 그들과 공동으로 개발을 위한 노력을 하고 있다. 기다려 봐라

Q: Optimize and Pro optimize, Boolean and Pro boolean 와 같이 중복되는 모디파이어들은 정리될건가?
A: 다이어트의 일부는 오래된 기능들을 정리하는데 촛점을 맞추고 있다

Q: 뷰포트에 3D Vision 이나 다른 스테레오 뷰잉 기능을 지원할 계획은?
A: 계획은 있는데 언제인지는 모름

Q: 파티클 플로우 멀티스레딩 지원은?
A: 연구중

Q: 이 다이내믹 시스템은 피직스에 기반한 것인가?
A: 맞다

Q: 피직스가 리액터를 대체하나?
A: 맞다

Q: 멘탈레이도 GPU 를 이용하게 되나?
A: 아니

Q: Renderman for 3dsmax 와 같은 랜더링 시스템을 개발할 계획은 없나?
A: 없다

Q: 번들된 매치무버나 이미지모델러, 컴파짓 등도 업그레이드 되는가?
A: 전부는 아니지만 아마도...

Q: max2012 플러그인은 max2011 과 호환되나?
A: 아니

Questions/Chat Log   G:\Download\QuestionsAndChatLog 2011_02_09 00_49.rtf

Audience Question:
Q: no sound
A: you should be hearing us.  You are in listen only mode, so we cannot hear you.  Ask questions here.

Audience Question:
Q: will our questions be visible to everybody? If so: Hi all, greetings from Germany!
A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: we can see you looking through the ppt, not sure if you want to show that
A: Thanks

Audience Question:
Q: the viewport needs a major update :D
A: Then you'll be happy with this presentation

Audience Question:
Q: how do you take part in "comunity voice"?
A: Go to my blog and look for "community survey"

Audience Question:
Q: Any talk on python-integration in this presentation?
A: no

Audience Question:
Q: i like to know if you have the idea to port 3dsmax to a mac enviroment
A: We're not going to be talking about our porting plans in this session

Audience Question:
Q: Not a question, but just so you know, biggest viewport performance issue seems to be that you do backface culling in software on a single thread.
A: Stay tuned...

Audience Question:
Q: If this is not the forum for us to inquire about features we desire in Max, will there ever be an opportunity for that?
A: Yes, we're looking at some tools to do that. We're testing them right now

Audience Question:
Q: Is a list available of the 300 legacy problems that were fixed?
A: We'll see if that can be done

Audience Question:
Q: Why not just ask the user once wether its ok to submit crash reports automatically, and thereafter do it silently?
A: All of adsk uses a single system, so it is hard to change the behavior

Audience Question:
Q: any talk of particle flow enhancements in this presentation?
A: Not directly

Audience Question:
Q: I'm surprised that CER is actually referenced... I all too often just hit close before sending... sorry.
A: Stop doing that or we'll take away your license. :)

Audience Question:
Q: In a public forum Ken spoke about the ribbon, and said it didn't came out as expected. Will it be revised? How?
A: just wait a few minutes!

Ken Pimentel (to All - Entire Audience): Pay attention to this slide...

Audience Question:
Q: Will we see Max / Max Design become further separated or possibly a head toward the two merging?
A: I don't expect they will diverge much more than they are currently, but no promises

Audience Question:
Q: waiting patiently. the ribbon failed partially because its time consuming to customize it IMHO
A: we've heard that, watch for something...

Audience Question:
Q: How about Character Studio improvements? somethinglike better than Motionbuilder.
A: We are balancing the CAT vs Biped efforts, leaning towards CAT these days

Audience Question:
Q: Max for Mac... will we hear anything on the yes or no regarding this?
A: not talking about it today

Audience Question:
Q: and when you have a lot of renderings that's kinda annoying, you know
A: looking at better ways to manage renderings

Audience Question:
Q: What about fluids simulation?
A: research

Audience Question:
Q: how many participants are listening in right now?
A: hundreds

Audience Question:
Q: Has a UI emulator been considered? Something where the interface can be reversed to appear much like Max 8 for example.
A: no

Audience Question:
Q: is MS Direct3D viewport environment is dominate in future 3dsmax development, or new vesrions of OpenGL 3.x also supported and will be developed and optimized in future 3dsmax viewports?
A: A LOT going on around the viewport, hang around and learn more

Audience Question:
Q: Caddies have been beaten from pillar to post but are we going to be able to drive max how we'd like?  Why are these not customisable?  Can we keep them away from the interest area?  Because funnily enough I don't want them right where I am focussing in precisely.
A: yes, we've heard that and I think we have that figured out

Audience Question:
Q: Is the integration of iray something you will address in the future?

Audience Question:
Q: can we share the presentation later with users that are not participating right now?
A: Yes, the presentation will be available to send to others. You should receive an email with the link to the recording within 24hours.

Audience Question:
Q: Will there be any updates on particle flow multithreading and unified dynamics? What kind of fx dynamics system max will have?
A: in the presentation

Audience Question:
Q: Can't we just have CAT or BIped or CATed ,not both of them ?
A: The point is which is getting future investment, not which is going away. CAT is getting investment.

Audience Question:
Q: maybe a stupid question: will max be available for mac os in future? (looking on a growing apple market)
A: active research

Audience Question:
Q: Can we have voice controls for best and quickly workflow?
A: Not getting a lot of attention from us

Audience Question:
Q: did you fix the viewport performance issues on dual 6-core-systems, on which the current max versions are badly suffering?
A: This is a Windows bug that affects Nvidia drivers, we are continuing to research this and working with the vendors on a solution - we agree it is a problem

Audience Question:
Q: Hate to say that, but most of this sounds like 'dumbing down' 3ds Max, rather than fixing the problems it has...
A: Well, perhaps you should wait and see. The most elegant interfaces mask power with simplicity

Audience Question:
Q: Max needs native fluids simulation.
A: We've heard that

Audience Question:
Q: will there ever be some kind of render layer management like maya or RPManager? Are you planning on something like this?
A: I can't be specific, but this is an area that we want to address and sooner rather than later

Audience Question:
Q: Plans to implement bug feedback into the application itself? Like for specific tools that don't crash but have bugs that breaks a tool.
A: not really

Audience Question:
Q: Hi from Brazil!! Do not you play Max equal to the UI the UI of Maya, right?
A: We're not turning max into maya, we're doing something else

Audience Question:
Q: If I'm looking at upgrading my workstation, should I do it now?  Or wait a few months to see what the max sys requirements are as I want to upgrade for better max performance with mild future proofing.
A: get lot's of memory and the best nvidia board (if you use iray) or ATI if you don't

Audience Question:
Q: What about actually taking some of the useful effects Video Post has and bringing them into the real rendering interface. The VP UI hasn't evolved in about 8 years it seems and not friendly to real workflow or network rendering.
A: Something we've talked about, no immediate plans

Audience Question:
Q: isn't this UI talk very similar to Luxology's modo ?
A: Is that a good thing?

Audience Question:
Q: will iray be better suited for animation soon?
A: Stay tuned

Audience Question:
Q: why is Iray not as fast as the competition ? is this going to improve ?
A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: Hopefully scripting will also be updated to support all these new UI functionalities
A: hopefully!

Audience Question:
Q: will these UI upadtes be done to Maya?
A: go talk to the maya team, this is the max team

Audience Question:
Q: another question. Is there any chance to have linux version of max too?
A: I think OSX before Linux. That is what customers told us in surveys

Audience Question:
Q: Are there any plans for the future to integrate Python support to bridge the gap between Maxscript and C++?
A: Did you hear about MAXsharp? Now on ADN.

Audience Question:
Q: How much influence are the other AutoDesk product lines (Inventor, Autocad, Revit, etc)  going to play into the UI design and workflow considerations?
A: Some, less than they have

Audience Question:
Q: Has Autodesk considered a partnership with a major fluid simulation company to work with experienced designers?
A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: In this example I see 7 scroll bars already...NIGHTMARE!  That means lots of tools are 'hidden' or an annoying scroll away
A: We want to minimize scrolling, and its a challenge to eliminate it completely when UI is resizeable.

Audience Question:
Q: Is better support for using various viewports on multiple monitors being considered? For example, undocking a viewport and moving it to another monitor?
A: Its being considered.

Audience Question:
Q: Will there be realtime renderer where we can fine tune materials and shader in realtime?
A: active research and a relatively short timeline

Audience Question:
Q: Why has max been divided in 2 parts with max design and max?  Any plans to bring as one product or divide it more?
A: No plans. The split is working as intended and there has been a lot of growth in max because we did this.

Audience Question:
Q: The information overflow in that ribbon looks just silly
A: We are also concerned about information overload, and are prototyping ways to address it.

Audience Question:
Q: The most recent UI changes have been a massive leap backward, IMO. Changing to monochrome icons makes it difficult even for veteran users to find features, and the dark UI is hard on the eyes. The icons should be changed and the default should be a lighter UI, not a darker one.
A: Working on it :)

Audience Question:
Q: Q: What about actually taking some of the useful effects Video Post has and bringing them into the real rendering interface. The VP UI hasn't evolved in about 8 years it seems and not friendly to real workflow or network rendering.

A: Yes, good idea

Audience Question:
Q: will max have render on the cloud
A: working on it, we demo'd with nvidia at GTC

Audience Question:
Q: Integration with MR and iRay is scaring me. I fear it will make max less open to external rendering solutions, like xsi. Is this an unjustified fear?
A: unjustified

Audience Question:
Q: How far will UI customization go? I mean, Max really does feel like Microsoft Office UI design.. cluttered..
A: Full customization is planned.

Audience Question:
Q: Is MAXsharp going to move from research project to a new feature of Max?
A: it is in "beta" we hope it will emerge as a feature, but we want to make sure we're doing the right thing

Audience Question:
Q: it would be nice if the viewports could be as fast and dynamic as the one in mudbox
A: They serve different purposes. You can't do everything you can in max and vice versus.

Audience Question:
Q: Integrate VRay as native renderer in Max, feasible?
A: no

Audience Question:
Q: We actually use the scanline renderer a lot and many times create things that looks better than mental ray in shorter time due to in-house plugins. Now it hasn't been updated in years and it still clamps everything in the 0-1 range, and has many minor bugs. We could do wonders with it in internal use if you ever release the code into the SDK. Any chance that could happen?
A: perhaps

Audience Question:
Q: As a user of 3ds/max for 15 years, is it possible to join your beta tester program?
A: sign up!

Audience Question:
Q: I mudbox going to part of Max and not a sererate program? Just seen on the workspce menu...
A: look at the Entertainment Suite, the new Premier Suite will include Softimage

Audience Question:
Q: in addition to giving features a permanent home, wouldnt it be good to be able to easily create shortcuts for your most used tools? some sort of easy ribbon, or even maya tabs.
A: Yes, customization is planned.  Make a new tab, toolbar, or workspace, etc

Audience Question:
Q: Multiple monitor support is an awesome feature! Anything on better support for tablets?
A: We didn't discuss this, but it's on the radar.

Audience Question:
Q: I'm a maya user and I really see strong features in 3dsmax last versions with slate material editor, pflow, mental ray integration, etc... and you continusly try to improve your software. Could you please share some of your enthusiasm with maya developpers? ;)
A: We'll be happy to tell them!

Audience Question:
Q: will iRay working and supported on NVIDIA gaming video cards - for example my new GF 560 Ti ?
A: works, but not necessarily officially supported

Audience Question:
Q: Layouts! Fantastic. Will we be able to save show/hide settings for layouts as well as menubar layouts etc? For example, have Graphite on for a  'Modeling' layout then off for 'Unwrapping' layout?
A: In general yes, whether that's workspaces or layouts, TBD.

Audience Question:
Q: do you know if matchmover will be developed furhter? (since it's bundled with max subscription)
A: no plans, we might integrated it

Audience Question:
Q: will vieport be changed to suport showing textures like noise, now u see one thing in viewport another thing in render window (size, direction etc.)
A: I think it will be improved in the next release

Audience Question:
Q: are you working in ways to integrate more , max, maya, softimage, so the can work really smooth
A: Yes, we are investing a lot in interoperability between the products. Stay tuned for more news on that....

Audience Question:
Q: Will you release this "hand draw" style UI for max :P ?
A: yes, with a box of crayons for coloring it

Audience Question:
Q: It would be great to customize the basic mouse buttons, for example making the 3D navigation Maya-like.
A: Thats a common request.  Max is sold in suites with many other products, so this would be valuable as a configurable option.

Audience Question:
Q: Can/will the Slate interface ever be applied to the Modifier stack?
A: That is the longer term vision

Audience Question:
Q: Will be Mental Ray, and Iray the principal render core in XBR ?
A: I think we are going to be more agnostic

Audience Question:
Q: A dynamics destruction plugin (like Rayfire or Tear Down It) would be nice to include as well.
A: Stay tuned...

Audience Question:
Q: Will ICE be integrated in 3ds Max ( and other autodesk products)?
A: Something we're looking into

Audience Question:
Q: Are the interface improvements going to be unified across Autodesk applications a-la Adobe?
A: In some ways, but our focus is to address the problems of Max users first.

Audience Question:
Q: Are you going to talk about porting it to OSX?
A: not directly

Audience Question:
Q: Any plans to get max UI respect Windows fonts DPI scale?
A: we're definately looking into it.

Audience Question:
Q: Will 3ds Max and 3ds Max Design merge into one product again?
A: no plans

Audience Question:
Q: will you also wokr on viewport performance for single objects? why can zbrush handle millions of polys with ease where max is slowing down at a fraction of it?
A: Because Zbrush is designed to do one thing and max has to do much more with the objects in the viewport

Audience Question:
Q: The video is not fluid, is it supposed to be fluid?
A: It is difficult to show videos on this system, we'll post them on our blog later

Audience Question:
Q: That interface right there is perfect! That is what I want to see in 3DS Max! Is this a rough idea of the layout you are going with?
A: Thanks.  Its a rough idea of a general default.  Other workspaces could look considerably different.

Audience Question:
Q: Is that San Diego video done in 3DS Max 2011?
A: No... :)

Audience Question:
Q: What kind of video card are you using for this demo?
A: FX 3800

Audience Question:
Q: GPU-accelerated features will be Cuda only, due to nvidia partnership?
A: no, some OpenCL too

Audience Question:

Audience Question:
Q: Is that video supposed to be lagging? It doesn't look very 'easy to naviagate'?
A: this is due to the problem of using this sharing sw to show a video

Audience Question:
Q: "Nitrous" rings a bell.. isn't that the code name for an early attempt to do a rewrite of the core?
A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: the video playback is stuttering - makes it look like it's poor viewport performance, but it's probably just the connection/trying to stream a video through a webinar.
A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: can just type the beta programme web adress?

Audience Question:
Q: As we all now use widescreen monitors horizontal screenspace is cheap, but vertical screenspace is precious. It makes me very nervous to see this new UI use up so much precious vertical screenspace.
A: We want to address widescreen layouts, and plan to.  The layout you saw is only one example of the possibilities.

Audience Question:
Q: I'm a long time user and can navigate the complexities of the interface very well as it is.  It is crucial the planned changes to interface do not impact interactivity.
A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: We often work with thousands of objects, small polygon counts per object but max is super slow with more than 1000 objects. Will this improve?
A: YES, 10X performance if scene has 10,000+ objects

Audience Question:
Q: I saw you mention something about asset browsing. Any chance on implementing something like the HTC Asset Browser Pro plugin? MY biggest Max problem has been saving out objects to a library. I would love a plugin like itunes for 3d files and textures!
A: We are always looking at lots of new stuff, I can't really speak about individual feature plans.

Audience Question:
Q: Are there any plans for a beta program to see what the users think of the program prior to release?
A: yes, one exists

Audience Question:
Q: Are the development teams for UI or viewport for max somehow connected to the teams for maya? (ie. dockable and tabbed windows, viewport 2.0 etc.)
A: Only in a very limited way

Audience Question:
Q: What about customization of this new UI ? will power user be able to completely change/modify these tabs ? to suit particular pipeline, scripts or plugin, it would be very useful IMHO
A: Yes, that's the plan.  

Audience Question:
Q: will DynamitESP be included in 3dsMax?
A: No, it will only be in 3ds Max Design

Audience Question:
Q: I wanted a more focus on the wireframe side of things
A: You'll see that

Audience Question:
Q: I assume that the ribbon context options will be accessible and creatable by 3rd party plugins? Will Vray options be available as a ribbon tab for example?
A: If Vray creates it on install

Audience Question:
Q: I'm not sure I understand but did you say the viewport will be able to use indirect lighting?
A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: Is this new viewport GPU based?
A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: Any Qt integration planned?
A: Thats TBD

Audience Question:
Q: Are there plans for a nonlinear timeline? e.g. viewing many shots(files) on a single timeline in order to preview the edit
A: Something we're talking about

Audience Question:
Q: Will we see any change on the NURBS side?
A: no

Audience Question:
Q: please consider that some of us are lucky enough to use multiple we'd like to put tools here there and everywhere
A: Thanks, we won't forget about you.

Audience Question:
Q: Is quality nurbsmodeling on your shedule?
A: not immediately

Audience Question:
Q: Are you taking into consideration that standard monitors are widescreen now, not 4:3 in your prototype designs for new UI ?
A: Yes.  The prototype is only one layout.

Audience Question:
Q: will it be able to move around mirror, box? when i select mirror i can no longer navigate viewport. thats not the case with say new extrude "box" id like to see mirir box not disabling viewport navigation. will that be changed?
A: Individual tools may need workflow enhancements, and this is something we'd have to address on a case by case... but this is good feedback, and we can look into it.

Audience Question:
Q: Will there be more webinars like this?
A: yes, we are planning on hosting more webinars like this in the future.

Audience Question:
Q: Will all of these "tabs" be detachable?
A: Thats TBD.  

Audience Question:
Q: Is this new UI based on Qt?

Audience Question:
Q: Is there any plan for support having multiple scenes open at one time(Like modo and Cinema4D)?
A: It hasn't been eliminated

Audience Question:
Q: Someone earlier was mentioning nvidia consumer level video card, any plan to validate consumer card video drivers like currently only for professional cards?
A: That is an impossible task. There are 30 variants of just a single GeForce card like the 480, we do test some GeForce cards and ATI game cards

Audience Question:
Q: If the MAX team and the MAYA team were to throw down...who would win?
A: We out-mass them by quite a bit and we fight dirty

Audience Question:
Q: I love the interface I am seeing. The ribbon is awesome. Will it be EASY to customize? AutoCAD customization is too complicated to me
A: We have lots of ideas to improve customization, but there is a lot to do before that.

Audience Question:
Q: 2011 has very bad performance compared to 2009. Are there any plans to improve this?
A: question answered online. thanks.

Audience Question:
Q: We really need a render to After Effects comp

Audience Question:
Q: what about python binding with max?
A: maxsharp

Audience Question:
Q: I like the UI design direction. All of those menus should be tear-off/floatable, of course.
A: Thanks for the feedback.  That's TBD.  Others have said floating is less ideal than docking or minimizing somewhere.  User testing, and feedback like yours, is going to help clarify this for us.

Audience Question:
Q: will there ever be a product which is "XBR" or is it just the development side of max?
A: XBR isn't a release, it is an initiative, so you will see the progress of that over time.

Audience Question:
Q: So what about caddies?
A: We want to improve Caddies

Audience Question:
Q: When are you moving to Direct X 10 and 11 ? When will iRay be "real time" and "continous"
A: Sooner than you think

Audience Question:
Q: was the jewel icon missing by purpose (= planed to be removed) or was it just in the design draft
A: You notice everything !! ;)

Audience Question:
Q: We really need a render to After Effects comp

A: We completly agree

Audience Question:
Q: will the data and scene management improvments allow better render pass and states/partitions management?
A: Soming that we're committed to - won't be too much longer

Audience Question:
Q: Max's general viewport performance for simulation is generally very poor, again due to large object numbers. Will this be improved?
A: Yes, watch for "Nitrous"...

Audience Question:
Q: A quick straw poll of my office says we applaud your attempts to unify the program interface, but we don't at all like it being based on a ribbon
A: ok, why?  

Audience Question:
Q: why is CAT more developped than Biped ?
aren't there many more Character Studio users out there ?
simple things like squash and stretch can't be too hard to implement and we've been waiting for years.
A: Because it seems a wiser investment for the long term and our surveys tell us this

Audience Question:
Q: In my opinion NodeJoe/Slate is only half way there. Will Epheres ZooKeeper be adapted into Max or something similar to make Max more node based?
A: We entered into a co-development effort with them, so stay tuned.

Audience Question:
Q: Any commercial plans to bundle max with external plugins (discounted)? Eg a "VFX SUITE" with pflow box 2/3, fumefx, and krakatoa..
A: I love the idea

Audience Question:
Q: there is some really great tools within the grafite modeling toole but i really would like to see them intergated within the orignal editble poly tools
A: Modeling tools need consolidation, true.

Audience Question:
Q: will we be able to carry the customized UI from one 3ds Max installation to another?
A: Yes

Audience Question:
Q: A cusomizable UI is great, it would be even better if I could take my workspace with me on a usb stick or similar, so if I used a different PC I could still find things. Any plans to make it portable?
A: Yes

Audience Question:
Q: If possible, please consider adding a text-only mode for ribbon buttons. Modo, Softimage, Lightwave etc have shown Text-only buttons can work very well

Audience Question:
Q: when XBR will be "complete" and released ?
A: when it is done

Audience Question:
Q: What size dev team are the MAx team now running at ?
A: not big enough for everything that everyone wants

Audience Question:
Q: I something about tablet a few queations back, I think it would be great if tablets with motion controllers (iphone/ipad)  can be used as an external monitor and camera-controller at the same time.
A: Yeah that would be cool.  I'd like to work on that! :)

Audience Question:
Q: Now there are double modifiers like Optimize and Pro optimize, Boolean and Pro boolean .... do you clean those ?
A: part of diet is focused at retiring legacy features

Audience Question:
Q: For those who missed it, will the images from the presentation be uploaded online?
A: There will be a recording available. You should receive an email with the link to the recording shortly.

Audience Question:
Q: The UI in Max gets slower when you have Aero effects turned on in Windows 7, is this a problem you are aware of and are looking into?
A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: Are tere anyplans fore stereo workflow in max?
A: our current viewport limit us to only 4 cameras, and since we have 4 viewports we can't offer stereo in view. XBR Graphics is hopeuflly going to enable much more than 4 cameras

Audience Question:
Q: I'm really hoping for good stereoscopy support in the next max version...
A: not happenign for technical reasons, see Louis Marcoux blog for details on how to do it for now

Audience Question:
Q: I have no idea of the user spread worldwide but could we antipodean friends please get some considerations/training/events/global times shown when scheduling.  We don't all know which EST you are talking about etc
A: sorry, it was in my blog

Audience Question:
Q: Thanks guys, you're doing great.
A: thank you again everyone!

Audience Question:
Q: Any plans for better Point Cache system?
A: yes, for now

Audience Question:
Q: ParticleFlow multithreading support?
A: research

Audience Question:
Q: Is XBR going for a UI so one can work more directly procedurally like Slate instead of layers or lists? May be out of line here, but like Houdini?
A: that 's the vision

Audience Question:
Q: Any ETA on when XBR graphics will be ready for primetime?
A: sorry can't give timiing, but please signup to the beta to see some WIP

Audience Question:
Q: will this dynamic system be based on physx?
A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: what is the future of default scanline renderer?
A: not much of a future

Audience Question:
Q: Oh I almost forgot - did you had a look at what people is doing hacking the kinect? Something for the labs maybe?
A: yes it's very cool

Audience Question:
Q: Do you plan add support for 3D Vision or another stereo viewving for viewports?
A: In the plans, not sure when

Audience Question:
Q: Thanks great job, like where this going :)
A: thanks!

Audience Question:
Q: This new 10x performance increase...when can we expect to see that...the next release?
A: We hope you won't be waiting long

Audience Question:
Q: Color Icons?  Can I get the old 2009 icons into 2011?
A: possibly not, once icons and the framework is revised.

Audience Question:
Q: When are you moving to Direct X 10 and 11 ? When will iRay be "real time" and "continous"
A: That's the goal

Audience Question:
Q: Can we have an Xref/Container system that works? Xref system breaks a lot, Containers don't work well for complex setsups. We need to be able to manage our large data files more easily.
A: Agreed, more work required

Audience Question:
Q: Be careful when retiring Boolean. Sometimes I have to resort from Pro Boolean to Boolean. For whatever reason, Pro Boolean gives me undesireable results sometimes....maybe 5 % of the time
A: yes, we intend to drive these decissions on data we get from CIP and then take a conservative approach to removal

Audience Question:
Q: Will physx replace reacctor?
A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: that Graphite bar is such a bad idea...
A: Can you elaborate?

Audience Question:
Q: As a developer I've found and worked around many bugs in 3dsmax. How can I easily contribute bugs I find in the core?
A: Joing ADN is teh best way to get us this type of feedback and to help you workaround the issues

Audience Question:
Q: "Audience Question
Q: when XBR will be "complete" and released ?
A: when it is done"

A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: can we share some of questions and some screenshots with others?
A: Feel free to share the whole presentation when you receive the recording through e-mail.

Audience Question:
Q: Does Quicksilver take advantage of parallel GPUs?  Apologies if it already does, but I'm a user who has not yet adopted Quicksilver.
A: no

Audience Question:
Q: Your guys rock! If there ever is a throw down between the MAX tema and the MAYA team, you could do a pay per view, and use the money to hire more developers!
A: that would be fun :)

Audience Question:
Q: Will Mental Ray ever use the GPU?
A: no

Audience Question:
Q: What will the node based material system look like in terms of usage, more like unreal, maya or else?
A: more like Slate :)

Audience Question:
Q: are there any planes of developing a rendering system like renderman for 3dsmax?
A: no

Audience Question:
Q: Will any of the modelling tools be changed, updated or added to?
A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: Ribbons reminds me a lot to MS Outook 2010 - I don't find it very useful. I might be 'old school', but I prefer simple drop down menu for most of the time.
A: Tabs can be minimized to drop down like menus.  Panels can be too.

Audience Question:
Q: Can we have a better integration of the UV unwrapping with max please?
A: it's a key strenght of teh product that we hope to continue to evolve

Audience Question:
Q: Just a not regarding scanline renderer: We put out images that looks better than mentalray in the scanline renderer. Would never be possible in quicksilver due to not having the c++ plugin acrtitecture. Scanline is like a renderman to us. You can do really weird stuff in it. For instance our internal sub surface scattering blows everything in mental ray away in both quality, speed and usability.
A: ok, it isn't going anywhere

Audience Question:
Q: Can Ribbon be more vertical-friendly?
A: 2011 has better options for a vertical ribbon

Audience Question:
Q: Can Autodesk present a copy of new 3dsmax 2012 for best question on webinar? :)))))))
A: soon

Audience Question:
Q: Are there any plans for a easier "one click" solution for transfering object between 3DS Max and Mudbox?
A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: Will the legacy modifiers be abandoned, or will there be utility included that will allow a user to convert legacy models?
A: it's one of teh things we are considering or releasing legacy code as SK samples

Audience Question:
Q: Is stereoscopic(3d vision) support for viewports and rendering on your shedule?
A: yes, but go check out louis marcoux blog for details on doing it now

Audience Question:
Q: Can we see some actual new features soon please?
A: yes, soon ;-)

Audience Question:
Q: Will there be new tools for SDS modeling?
A: yes, I think so

Audience Question:
Q: Will the plans for property aggrigation and manipulation work on multiple objects (non-instances)
A: talking about this

Audience Question:
Q: a learning mode in the new UI would be awesome...especially for beginnner.
A: Great idea. :)

Audience Question:
Q: Is there a way for users to see how their crash reports are being grouped and dealt with/prioritised?  I have a continual bug and hear zero feedback, I'd like feedback or even an avenue to browse what's happening.
A: no

Audience Question:
Q: Why do you think Maya is so big in movies and Max so big in games, and there is such a hard line between the two ?
A: It's not that simple to explain

Audience Question:
Q: Any chance on a 'real' Catmull-Clark Subdivision in Max?
A: we need to do this

Audience Question:
Q: Do you host any Youtube channel for XBR?
A: i'm not sure how the recording will be made available, or intent is to make it publicly available though

Audience Question:
Q: Great user interaction recently. Please keep that up.
A: thanks, glad you noticed!

Audience Question:
Q: why not just look into what growth there has been in Maya on Mac...I imagine the max uptake would be similar.  I have a mac but I can't use Maya :( but I contribute to surveys about max on macs
A: I hope your patience will be rewarded - but not right away

Shane Griffith (to All - Entire Audience): sorry everyone, got to go do my day job and making Max the best app in the world. - Ciao!
Audience Question:
Q: Is there any way to suggest features and get response whether it's coming, under consideration or "super secret"?
A: We're working on something like this

Audience Question:
Q: any chance NOT to roll out Graphite across the entire application?
A: If you mean the ribbon, maybe, but there is a bigger chance it will be a whole lot better before we roll it out.  

Audience Question:
Q: bundled software will be upgraded too? like matchmover, imagemodeler,composite
A: perhaps, not all of it

Audience Question:
Q: I really like Max modifier stack. Even if UI changed, I wanna see it forever
A: Modifier stack is staying.

Audience Question:
Q: WIll there be improvements with interoperability with Revit? For instance, material translation in linked Revit FBX fails.
A: yes

Audience Question:
Q: Will iRay be able to support render elements? RIght now not passes= not suitable for many productions
A: working on it

Audience Question:
Q: Any plans to make improvements to the UVW Editor?
A: you won't be waiting much longer!

Audience Question:
Q: xref of 3ds max is limited, please improve the xref system
A: agreed

Audience Question:
Q: Will modelling evolve? Using something like Sketchup is great for quick arch models. Is modelling being actively delevoped in any way?
A: definitely

Audience Question:
Q: For those who came in late, will the shown images be put up online?
A: the entire webcast will be available for viewing later, including the visual content.  we'll be making that available to everyone.

Audience Question:
Q: Will there be other Max products released before XBR?
A: that is a complicated question

Audience Question:
Q: max2012 plugin is compatible with max2011?
A: no

Audience Question:
Q: How is max going to handle a multiple monitor setup? Can you use multiple realtime viewports on multiple screens?
A: yes, you could

Audience Question:
Q: Will the new UI be based on QT (Nokia's QT-toolkit) like maya 2011?

Jodie Anderson (to All - Entire Audience): Thanks everyone for taking the time to attend today - we appreciate it. We are going to close the session now. thanks again.